NAC in Belfast

Project leaders were composer Graham Fitkin and percussion quartet Ensemble Bash

In February 1999, the participating young composers attended a "nuts and bolts" composition workshop with Graham Fitkin. They were invited to write new short works for the percussion quartet.

All participants were given a Composition Kit, including:

Notes on Composing by Graham Fitkin, including advice on "decision making", "practicalities", "possible starting points", and "methods of development".

An A to Z of percussion by Ensemble Bash

About the Instruments by Ensemble Bash

Preparation of scores and parts – guidelines from spnm

During March 1999 the composers worked on their pieces, with ongoing support from Graham, the players, and the spnm team.

In April 1999 the works were performed and recorded by Ensemble Bash.

Extracts from the Composition Kit:

"It can be wonderfully absorbing to create music. And that's how I feel it should be. If the music you write thrills you (and when I write a piece I generally think it's the best thing in the world!), then there is a good chance it might thrill someone else!"

Graham Fitkin

"Q is for Questions. Please ask us lots of these. Don't be embarrassed, as there's no question so daft that we haven't heard it before! Questions at the beginning of a piece save errors being copied into a score for perpetuity, and will help us play your music so much better"
Ensemble Bash

NAC summary

NAC in Halifax

NAC in Scotland


Ensemble Bash
photo: Chameleon Arts Management


Graham Fitkin
photo: Decca/Richard Croft