Julian Leeks
for Clarinet and Piano
duration: 8 minutes
Music for Clarinet and Piano
The base material
for this piece is provided by two very short and simple melodic motifs.
The first, G-F#-A, is found in the opening two bars, the second is its
answer F-E-G#. All subsequent melodic material is derived from these motifs.
They also provide the middle six notes of a palindromic 10-note mode from
which the piece's harmonies originate. The rhythmic writing is similarly
developmental with a few short, pithy rhythmic cells providing the material
for subsequent use. The essence of the piece is, however, of a dramatic
narrative charting the growth and development of the two fundamental motifs.
Julian Leeks was born in 1968 and
attended Whitefriars School, Cheltenham. He studied music at Cardiff University,
with Michael Robinson and Anthony Powers, before being awarded an RVW
Trust scholarship to take an MA in composition at Bristol University studying
with Wyndham Thomas and Robert Saxton.
Julian's music is essentially dramatic in nature. Short motifs are treated
much like characters in a play - constantly interacting and shaping each
other's development. Consequently his compositional style is rigorously
developmental and material resources are kept to a minimum. In recent
pieces rhythm has assumed a more dominant structural role.
Compositions include Symphonic Impromptu; Quartet for clarinet,
violin, cello and piano; Barcelona for electronic media;
The Escape of Mr. Punch for chamber orchestra; Bronze
by Gold for soprano and piano; She Wishes for the Cloths
of Heaven for soprano and guitar. He is currently working on a
string quartet and a piece for percussion ensemble.
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