Edmund Jolliffe
Pieces for String Quartet
duration: 12 minutes
Three Pieces for String Quartet
1st Piece: This piece was inspired by one of Ligeti's piano etudes, where
certain notes are depressed on the piano without making a noise and resonate
when the surrounding notes are played. The piece has a motif of four held
rising notes with twelve note rows played against them in rapid figuration,
though any note of the four held notes is never heard in the figuration.
Although the piece is not in any way serial it is based entirely upon
twelve tone rows.
2nd Piece: The second piece aims to explore harmonies, with a middle section
exploring mostly whole tones. It also attempts to explore different techniques
of string playing.
3rd Piece: This last piece is based upon the idea of having a central
note and diverging away from it. Gradually each part introduces a twelve-note
theme, becoming increasingly more dissonant. The parts that do not begin
by playing quavers play very long note which gradually quicken in a methodical
way. There are two elements at play within this piece dissonance
as opposed to unison, and staticity as opposed to non-staticity.
Edmund Jolliffe has had a number of paid
commissions, the largest to date being the Missa cum Gaudia for New Eltham
Choral Society. to be performed in May 2000 and subsequently taken on
a tour round France.He has also been commissioned to compose a number
of anthems, including anthems for the Chapel Royal at St. James' Palace,
who are hoping to commission a larger work from him next year. The anthem
God is gone up for Westminster Under School is to be recorded onto a CD
to be released later this year.
Aside from concert music, Maidstone Television Studios have agreed to
offer him some work composing music for one of their programmes when a
suitable opening arises as a result of having heard one of my showreels.
Non-compositional experience has involved much conducting with University
and Amateur groups, and often acting as a repeteteur and accompanist for
choirs and ensembles. The production of Undertaking Changes at The Old
Fire Station Theatre, Oxford, involved putting together a presentation
for the theatre and finding sponsorship as well as over forty cast and
technical crew.
Whilst at Oxford he was also involved with the setting up of the Oxford
University Musical Society and the Hertford College Music Society which
continue to flourish.
He has also worked as a barman and in a bookshop. as well as carrying
out some research for the Royal College of Music and so has much experience
of working with people, either in a teaching capacity as a musical director
or under others.
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