Eunan McCreesh
mutiny of angels
string quartet
duration: 8 minutes
The mutiny of angels
The inspiration for this piece at first came from a book by Philip J.
Caputo called "A Rumour of War", which provides a graphic and
often terrifying account of the Vietnam war, not only the scale of the
violence but the psychological damages also. This brought me to consider
the First war, the war in Heaven in which Lucifer and his forces were
crushed and thus expelled from Heaven. This is described in the Book of
Revelation 12:7-12:
now war arose in heaven... and the dragon and his angels fought, but
they were defeated. The great dragon was thrown down to earth and the
loud voice in Heaven proclaimed: "The Salvation and power of the
Kingdom of God has truly been proclaimed... the answer has been thrown
out. We have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb! Rejoice Heaven, but
woe to you earth and sea for the devil has come to you in great wrath
and he knows that time is short..."
In response to the above text the intention was to produce a work of intensity
and fluidity. While contemplating the piece, I was thinking in orchestral
terms so as to achieve as much textural and timbral diversity as possible.
Structurally, the piece is quite elaborate and the material is derived
from motivic figures at the beginning of the first three sections. The
serene opening with layered harmonics gives way to sustained dramatic
bursts and towards the end the mood is completely different as the quartet
becomes gentler, passionate even faltering.
Eunan McCreesh was born in Co. Armagh
on October 6th 1964. He began his musical studies on the violin at the
age of seven and began teaching himself the piano throughout his years
in grammar school. He continued his musical studies at the University
of Ulster and at Queen's University Belfast, where he studied with composers
Agustin Fernandez and James Clarke.
After graduating from Queen's University with M.Phil degree in Composition
in 1997, he was commissioned by local authorities to write a piece for
combined local choirs, which was performed at St. Patrick's Cathedral
New York and the White House in March 1998.
His first string quartet the mutiny of angels won first
prize at the Sligo Contemporary Music Festival in November 2000, and was
performed by the Vogler String Quartet. His Piano Trio No.1 The
Famished Road was runner up in the same festival in 1998.
Eunan is studying for his Ph.D part - time at Queen's University and is
currently employed as Head of Music at St. Catherine's College for Girls
in Armagh.
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