Camden Reeves
piano tro
duration: 6 minutes
Starlight Squid
"Many species of mid- and deep-water squids are bioluminescent, with
luminescent photophores arranged in various patterns over the body, even
on the eyeball. In some species, such as Sepiola, the luminescence is
due to symbiotic bacteria, but in most it is intrinsic. In either case,
the photophore may be developed to remarkable complexity, including a
reflector and lens, and sometimes an overlying chromatophore shutter.
The light is emitted as brief flashes or sometimes as a sustained glow
and, when color is discernible, is blue or bluish green."
from Invertebrate Zoology by Robert D. Barnes
Camden Reeves was born in 1974. For many
years he lived in Texas, and learned to play trombone in a marching band.
He studied with Philip Grange at Exeter University, and subsequently with
Roger Marsh and David Blake at York University. Between 1996 and 1998
Camden held the position of Fellow in Composition with the Hallˇ Orchestra.
His music has won several prizes and awards. Camden is currently studying
with Paavo Heininen at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, with funds from
the Finnish government.
Musically, CamdenÕs main area of interest is the study of organic forms
and natural landscapes.
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